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*** Use of polythene and polypropylene bags is prohibited in supershops from October 1 ***

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Vision and Mission

Vision & Mission


Vision and Mission

Vision: To build a healthy and beautiful Bangladesh that can be lived without pollution.

Mission: To ensure a healthy, beautiful and clean environment for the present and future generations-

* Creating a clean environment for the present and future generations.

* Proper enforcement of environmental laws and regulations.

* Increasing public awareness about environment.

* Ensuring sustainable development and environmental governance.
* Ensuring environment friendly and climate resilient development in national planning

* Taking necessary steps to manage natural resources, conserve biodiversity and prevent land degradation

* Encouraging green growth

Contract Address

     Contract Address 

Department of Environment, Sylhet Divisional Office Divisional Level Multi Storey Office Building (5th Floor) Alampur, Sylhet 

Phone: 02-996643353